Soundstaging and Imaging: The Delusion about The Illusion

Soundstaging in a recording—be it a live performance or studio event—and it’s reproduction in the home has been the topic of many a discussion both in the forums and in the audio press. Yet, is a recording’s soundstage and imaging of individual participants, whether musicians or vocalists, things that one can truly perceive or are they merely illusions that we all are imagining as some sort of delusion?

Two legs, two arms, two eyes and two ears...yet one brain having two hemispheres that are cross-wired for interpreting sound. Go figure mono might have been the ideal sonic reproductive medium rejected by those who apparently knew better. And those who were wiser recommended quadraphonic sound, yet we all know where that led...

"Two legs, two arms, two eyes and two ears...yet one brain having two hemispheres that are cross-wired for interpreting sound. Go figure mono might have been the ideal sonic reproductive medium rejected by those who apparently knew better. And those who were wiser recommended quadraphonic sound, yet we all know where that led..."

I personally enjoy mono, stereo and multichannel. I do want to mention one thing though, orchestras are multi-source presentations.

@whart said it all.

By the way Bill, The Record Collector in Hollywood was the best Classical music LP store I’ve ever been in. Domestic, import, the owner had it all, and was an expert in the music. The best non-Classical was Village Music in Mill Valley, not far into Marin County after you cross over The Golden Gate Bridge. VM specialized in Roots music (Blues, Jazz, Hillbilly, Country, Bluegrass, Rockabilly, Garage, Psych, Reggae, etc.), and sent out a great regularly-published (bi-monthly, iirc) catalog in the 1970-80’s. They had a separate room just for 10" 78’s. All the good Bay Area musicians shopped there, as did those passing through town on tour. One day that I was there James Burton came in; it was surreal!

Both shops went drastically downhill after they emptied their shelves of LP’s and filled them with CD’s. Same with Rhino Records (the retail store, not the record label) in Westwood. Remember Phast Phreddie?! Aw, the good ol’ days ;-) .

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Mg opens the door, steps in and hears someone calling produced music "Parlor Tricks" then Mg quietly backs out of this clubhouse to find a place with listeners exploring recordings. LOL