The Science of Cables

It seems to me that there is too little scientific, objective evidence for why cables sound the way they do. When I see discussions on cables, physical attributes are discussed; things like shielding, gauge, material, geometry, etc. and rarely are things like resistance, impedance, inductance, capacitance, etc. Why is this? Why aren’t cables discussed in terms of physical measurements very often?

Seems to me like that would increase the customer base. I know several “objectivist” that won’t accept any of your claims unless you have measurements and blind tests. If there were measurements that correlated to what you hear, I think more people would be interested in cables. 

I know cables are often system dependent but there are still many generalizations that can be made.
I just love the data in the PEAR institute tests on an over view of meta testing. the tests that a odds of less than billions to one of being wrong...that.. people get the results they desire and unconsciously push for.

The gist of it is this:
Scientists have noted for decades, the preponderance of non correlating results in tests that involved non contact experiments.

Specifically psychic tests, ones involving time and whatnot. Ie, seal a answer chosen, safely store it for two months or a year, whatever. Then conduct the psychic sensitivity test. select the answer Then open the correct envelope or box, that was put away two months earlier. and the correlation is like 85%. Where anything over 50% is statistically significant.

To rigorously do science with as much in the way of potentials for error or lies to be covered any and all aspects involved, yet the correlation remains high.

So that all of the scientists outside of the experiment and anyone else, to say, before the experiments are done, that the methods are foolproof in the extreme, so much that people doing the review, pre-experiment... swears they’ll shoot themselves if the results can be faked. total confidence. In all. by all.

Then to have a set of skeptics do similar levels of hard work and set up in testing regimes....and achieve obviously null or statistically insignificant results.That skeptics and haters do the exact same thing an achieve different results.

So the one group designed a universal test. A meta test of all the tests and meta tests.(and that original set of tests was over decades and involved over 1000 tests and over 10,000 people)

Skeptics, believers and open minded neutral groups were selected to review and set up the psychic test protocols. three groups of accredited scientists, all with extensive backgrounds in testing of all kinds..

all three groups believed that the results would be and are going to be, 100% unassailably correct in outcome, and they all agree to to do the tests the exact same way. Billions to one, shoot yourself if it’s a lie, kinda agreement.

Each group came out with exactly different results. Yet they all agreed beforehand that this would be impossible to achieve, re any possible dispute in results..

The psychic believers got a 100% level of correlation that psychic sensitivties are 100% real. Billions to one of being wrong on that.

The skeptics, haters and non believer group, got a 100% level of correlation that psychic sensitivities are 100% garbage. Billions to one of being wrong on that.

And the open minded non assuming ambiguous group ended up with ambiguous results that could be be one way or another.

The end result of all that... is the illustration... that --intent drives reality.

Intent drives reality. Intent steers reality. Intent drives and steers reality through and beyond all 3d space-time.

And that it is billions to one and beyond, that this assessment is wrong.

Where you are free to project, disbelieve and live by the assertion that this is wrong and landlubber Newtonian reality is all there is and all that stuff is garbage. And all those people are nutbars and charlatans, and snake oil peddlers. And you can to do test after test after test until the known universe ends---- and all the data will support you. And they can do the same perfected tests and 100% prove you wrong.

And the universe will give you that or surround you with it exactly and exclusively. As you wish.

Meanwhile, not looking around the correct corner with the correct thought, mind, or eyes..., this means the entire point is missed.

You get back and are the exact thing you project and live by/as.

That the universe and space time are entirely malleable, in pretty well all ways you can imagine, and can’t imagine.

You are what you is.

Go ahead, eat that, skeptic. Good luck with that.

Again, though, the universe says you can live wrapped up in that shortsighted blinked self lie and roll forward on it, eating the world in such an insane mindset. Science has already proven this.

How you gonna deal with that? It’s a case of falling though non existent skies with zero safe ground, and it’s all on you. That your inner monkey filter/machine/carrier gets picked up and dropped across the universe's knee so hard it's back is shattered into a thousand disappearing pieces.

Watch out for all the conflicting FUD. That human reality, motion, flow, etc... is a conscious and unconscious collective of individuals, and we are in the drivers seat, and to a high degree...if we are aware of what is actually going on.
Interesting domino effect on that, where scientific objectivity is a concept in a subjective world and illustrates that objective science is 100% unreal. That it lives by consensus and not much of anything else.

Where objectivity in the world of physics and science disappears on the quantum scale and everything is just our macro interpretation of the multi-dimensional quantum reality.

But it can’t be unreal, if you believe in it and believe along with others that it is real. That there is a minimal frameworks (table of elements-at atomic scales and up to macro, etc--but enter breakdown in various ways and directions), and you’ve collectively positioned a concept upon it. That it is conceptual, a projection. Likened to straight lines and numbers, which don’t exist at all.

All of science and in particular the last decade and particular the last few driven right square head on ----into this logic gauntlet.
So, what’s the next logical step in this series of posts? The Mind Lamp from Psyleron! The lamp you control with your thoughts. Yeah, Baby!

Wasn't aware you needed a special generator to create a random event. Shows how much I know....