Enjoying the 9Hs today doing some experimenting with different amps. Specifically the Prima Luna Duologue Integrated which I find too muddy in the midrange as an integrated, however when I feed the HT passthrough on that amplifier with a different tubed preamp, its a different story, opening up the midrange nicely. Tubes may be the answer here. I had been running my beloved Aesthetix preamps, feeding that to the Pass, and still just getting too much clinical detail on classical music. Running the PL as the poweramp and setting it for either triode mode or ultralinear...both sound extremely good and both I think are rolling off the highs a bit which with these speakers may be a good thing. I also have a Woo Audio W2 lying around usually doing headphone duty for my Beyerdynamic Tesla headphones but that little puppy can also be used as a simply little OTL preamp (there’s a switch on the back for converting it from headphone use to preamp use). So for the past hour I’ve been listening to the WA2 feeding the power amp portion of the Prima Luna preamp and getting good results. Next I’ll try using the WA2 as a preamp feed the Pass X150.8. I have found that even subtle changes in the system (and these are not subtle) have very observable results one way or the other once again pointing to the fact that these are very highly resolving speakers. Another 9H user has been posting he's had good luck with SET amps (fairly powerful for SET) driving the 9H's really well, such as the Line Magnetic integrated.