Will technology make records obsolete one day?

To my ears, a high quality system and vinyl is the best way to go for sound.  But I am wondering if  DACs will improve to the point that they will soon equal and therefore kill vinyl. Should I go ahead and stop buying vinyl now? Any thoughts?
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Obsolete is digitals middle name! Not just by performance either- when digital goes obsolete it goes the Full Monty, as in you can't even find anything to play it on even if you wanted to!

Records meanwhile are so universally obsolete proof they put one on the side of the Voyager spacecraft launched in 1977! Best scientists in the world, asked to make a record of all humanity to communicate with advanced civilizations, and they put it on a record. Nuff said.

Agreed. But the same could be said of CDs to a certain extent. I don’t think we’re any less likely to be able to get a CD player as a turntable.

An analogy: I’m into photography. I shoot film and digital. Usually make a physical print of any digital image that is important to me. But when I moved into my grandparent’s house I found my grandfather’s slides in boxes on the side porch (my current listening room), which did not have HVAC. They had been there for 50 years. A few of them were decayed but still the images were visible. Most of them were pristine. The sum total of technology required to view them? The sun and your eyes.

Not much digital media will have that sort of longevity and color slides are considered the most fragile of film media.

Analog has legs. Digital is ephemeral.
Yeah and not only that, out of the whole music industry- components, music content, concerts, everything- what has been the fastest growth segment, year to year, and over the last decade? Records! Turntables! Analog! 

Two things never gonna go obsolete: records. And trolling.