Pass and the dealer recommended I stay with supplied power cords and NOT to put on a power conditioner. The reasoning seem sound, as the amps were voiced using it that was. I did go against their advice by upgrading the power cables but might swap back to stock to see if there is anything to it.
Coming into a second weekend and I am hoping for an extended listening session rather than the single day I had last. I have noted every recommendations and have already listened to a few and plan to dive deeper into the list.
The thing I have noticed first with the change, first yes, they are not as powerful as the ML and the volume setting on the pre is up higher to bring it to the same listening levels, but other than being a number, no impact.
Secondly, the bass impact, speed is something that I have missed since the ML and is not back with a vengeance. Clarity of the hf is something I am still trying to define, maybe it is more a striking separation of different instruments or perhaps a greater separation has caused me to take notice.
More after this weekend..