Best Blu-ray/DVD player for under $800?

Lexi[CON] BD-30, I mean Oppo BDP-83... I kid, I kid.

Seriously, from my list below, which Blu-ray player do you think would offer the best BD picture quality with a 1080p plasma via HDMI, as well as the best possible rendition (upscaling) of SD DVD's? Audio is not such a concern as I only use the supplied L&R speakers at this time.

The list:

Denon DBP-2010CI
Marantz BD7004
Oppo BD-83
Anthem BLX 200
Pioneer Elite BDP-05FD

and just to mix it up;


Note: The Oppo is the obvious choice for many because of price, but consider the other BDP's as "open-box" or "preowned/demo" priced for comparisons sake. I won't be paying full retail.
The PS3 is thrown in because many seem to think it ranks up there with most mass-consumer BDP's on the market. I might agree with that at it's price and below, but not against $800 stand-alone BDP's. The plus side: games, as well as access to Netflix and Amazon VOD.
Sony, LG, Panasonic, and the like just don't seem relevant IMHO. At first, I considered buying some subpar <$200 BDP, but I can't be that cheap. Not with a 1080p plasma. What's the point. I've tried those lighter-then-paper weight DVD players and the picture quality was very poor. But then again, how can they compare to the only other DVD player I've owned - Meridian G98 AH. I just can't justify, nor afford, spending that much again on a component used solely for playing DVD's, as incredible as it was. Maybe when they make something similar for BD playback in the $2500 and less range.
I also consider buying a higher-end discontinued model (MSRP $2K, now discounted to less then $1K), but with how fast these products become obsolete (no network/ethernet,..), I'd rather get a current model.
And as mentioned above, I'd like having access to Netflix, Amazon VOD,... as well, but unfortunately only the subpar $200 players seem to offer this feature.
There is also one detail with a few of the BDP's in my list that bothers me; the small, cheap, two-prong AC input. Why?! It makes no sense on a $800 player. That can always be upgraded though.

The BD8002 continues to impress me. Even with cheap $30 Dynex HDMI cable. Although I am going back to WireWorld Silver Star 5/2 (already replaced one; A/V Rcvr->Plasma). But before that I replaced the fuse with a HiFi Tuning SilverStar and I'd swear the PQ has improved from that. I couldn't believe it. And now with the WW SS 5/2 it's looking even more stunning. Can't wait to be abck with all WW SS 5/2 (BDP->A/V Rcvr).
I am surprised to hear others having noise issues with their Marantz BD7004. Mine is quiet not a noise or vibration. I had the oppo BDP-83 and the marantz BD7004 I found the pictures to be similar albeit slightly better out of the Marantz even though they both use the anchor bay chip i think marantz did a better job with it and the sound quality to be better out of the marantz. Didn't care much for the oppo build quality either. I gave the oppo to my father and he likes it although he has complained about it locking up and jamming on him lately. Will have to look into that might be operator error.

The Marantz is a little slower at loading and glitches occasionally on stopping and replay but otherwise I found it to be slightly better than the oppo. The Marantz seemed to update firmware much easier and has all the on line functions the others mentioned.
The Oppo and Marantz BD7004 use different ABT VRS chips.

Now that I'm using WireWorld Silver Starlight 5/2 HDMI cables again (this time from BDP->A/V Rcvr->Plasma) the PQ is even better then I remember (more so because how bad it looked with the Dynex and AQ cables). The picture is more cohesive, steady looking. Everything about it looks amazing.
Onkyo Pro SC 885 Reon HQV processor or Oppo BDP SE Anchor bay processor for movies via analogue ins??? I am at the moment ready to buy an Oppo 83SE and put aside my PS3(piano black version) and hope to gain a performance level using the bistream for the lossless audio formats. Should I use the Hdmi and use the Onkyo or the analogue and use the Oppo SE. Are there more benefits of the SE version or should I just get the regular 83??

A/V solutions explained that the oppo 83SE will better the HQV Reon through analogue for movie watching and the regular 83 too. But I have read other forums stating that the Reon HQV betters the Anchor Bay. So I am a little in the middle of the fence.

Is there any specs pertaining to the two processor chips that can decifer the better qualities between them???

Regards Bacardi
Regular Oppo 83 if all you are using is HDMI for bit-stream or PCM .. You only need the SE if you are going to go analog ONLY. Otherwise you won't notice any benefits.. I have a regular Oppo BDP-83 and it is awesome!
