Best Blu-ray/DVD player for under $800?

Lexi[CON] BD-30, I mean Oppo BDP-83... I kid, I kid.

Seriously, from my list below, which Blu-ray player do you think would offer the best BD picture quality with a 1080p plasma via HDMI, as well as the best possible rendition (upscaling) of SD DVD's? Audio is not such a concern as I only use the supplied L&R speakers at this time.

The list:

Denon DBP-2010CI
Marantz BD7004
Oppo BD-83
Anthem BLX 200
Pioneer Elite BDP-05FD

and just to mix it up;


Note: The Oppo is the obvious choice for many because of price, but consider the other BDP's as "open-box" or "preowned/demo" priced for comparisons sake. I won't be paying full retail.
The PS3 is thrown in because many seem to think it ranks up there with most mass-consumer BDP's on the market. I might agree with that at it's price and below, but not against $800 stand-alone BDP's. The plus side: games, as well as access to Netflix and Amazon VOD.
Sony, LG, Panasonic, and the like just don't seem relevant IMHO. At first, I considered buying some subpar <$200 BDP, but I can't be that cheap. Not with a 1080p plasma. What's the point. I've tried those lighter-then-paper weight DVD players and the picture quality was very poor. But then again, how can they compare to the only other DVD player I've owned - Meridian G98 AH. I just can't justify, nor afford, spending that much again on a component used solely for playing DVD's, as incredible as it was. Maybe when they make something similar for BD playback in the $2500 and less range.
I also consider buying a higher-end discontinued model (MSRP $2K, now discounted to less then $1K), but with how fast these products become obsolete (no network/ethernet,..), I'd rather get a current model.
And as mentioned above, I'd like having access to Netflix, Amazon VOD,... as well, but unfortunately only the subpar $200 players seem to offer this feature.
There is also one detail with a few of the BDP's in my list that bothers me; the small, cheap, two-prong AC input. Why?! It makes no sense on a $800 player. That can always be upgraded though.

Regular Oppo 83 if all you are using is HDMI for bit-stream or PCM .. You only need the SE if you are going to go analog ONLY. Otherwise you won't notice any benefits.. I have a regular Oppo BDP-83 and it is awesome!

Update: Marantz BD800

The picture quality just got better now that I'm using a Running Springs Audio Haley Elite PC. I couldn't believe the difference from the BPT CPC. The hues are more colorful, vibrant, and saturated with more depth and texture as well. This took a week or two to really become apparent (silver wire settling in), but I suddenly noticed the change while wathcing a previously viewd Blu-ray. Nothing else had changed, yet there was a dramatic improvement with the picture (audio was immediate). I would not have believed it had I not witnessed it myself. The fact is each tweak I made to the BD8002 from the HiFi Tuning fuse, PSA AC3 power cord, WireWorld SS 5/2 HDMI cable and now the RSA Haley has made significant improvements, most notably to the picture. The BD8002 was incredible in stock form and the reason I bought it, but now it's just astonishing. What a bargain at the price I paid for it new ($800). If you want the best BD/SD picture and can live w/o internet/BD-Live do yourself a big favor and pick up a used one. No $500-$800 BDP is going to come close. I wonder why anyone would sell this.
Regarding the build quality of the Oppo 83 or any Oppo for that matter, I find the Oppo 83 to be a superb player and has worked like a charm since I received it in May 2009. Furthermore, the Oppo 971H that I have had since, oh, I don't know when, call it 6 months or so after it's release, has bounced around on a couple of California road trips and then made the cross-country trip out to the Carolinas and still works like a champ.

I am satified with both the performance and durability of these machines.
Regarding the build quality of the Oppo 83 or any Oppo for that matter, I find the Oppo 83 to be a superb player and has worked like a charm since I received it in May 2009. Furthermore, the Oppo 971H that I have had since, oh, I don't know when, call it 6 months or so after it's release, has bounced around on a couple of California road trips and then made the cross-country trip out to the Carolinas and still works like a champ.

I am satified with both the performance and durability of these machines.
I just ordered an Oppo SE version arriving tomorrow. I am going to run 7.1 analogue for movies and analogue for music. Any suggestions on some rca's for all. I have all S.R Tesla interconnects, biwire speaker wire & power cords.

I am running a Onkyo Pro SC 885 and a Samsung 58" 850 series plasma..

Regards Bacardi