Speakers for 55 watts of EL-34 tube power ?

What are you folks currently using for speakers with this type of amplification ? I'm currently enjoying Vandersteen 1C's with my Rogue Audio Cronus, and I'd like to hear what other speakers are being enjoyed with EL-34 tubes.
Merlin was my first thought, too. The 3a deCapos are also a good choice.

I agree with Lokie. Living Voice are great speakers with tube amps.

I used Living Voice with Dynaco MKIII 60 watt monos and Scott LK-150 65 watt stereo amp.

Both sounded great with Living Voice although Living Voice prices are high for what they are.
Any of the multitude of big Tannoy's for sale here on Audiogon. Best bang for the buck would be to buy raw drivers (12" or 15" gold or red) and have a box built. You will be in music lovers paradise. I'm listening to a pair right with 9 watts and Oscar Peterson never sounded better.