Best speakers for classic rock

Hello all,
Im looking for advice on purchasing speakers in the 2500.00 range for listening to classic rock.
Any suggestions  would be helpful.
Tekton.  Awesome speakers regardless of price but in the sub-$2000 range ine if the best buys in audio.  Especially if you like tube sound because they are so efficient, opens up alot of amplification options.
Cerwin Vega lol. They are heretics to the snobby hifi world but my first love. I have Klipsch KLF and Classe amps. Harder to evolve my selection far from here though (unless otherwise educated). Curious about B&W 801, 802, and 808’s and some Tannoy and ATC drivers. Not a fan of the multiple small driver, big drivers that efficiently operate have a presence that is hard to deny, big or small. Curious to hear about hat is a solid progression for these types of tastes?
Get yourself a Peachtree Nova 300, super clean 300WPC with a smooth tube sound and a DAC to make all your digital music sound right.
Look it up, you wont be sorry. Best $2,300 I ever spent