Speakers for 55 watts of EL-34 tube power ?

What are you folks currently using for speakers with this type of amplification ? I'm currently enjoying Vandersteen 1C's with my Rogue Audio Cronus, and I'd like to hear what other speakers are being enjoyed with EL-34 tubes.
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I triple the Merlin recommendation, but a very different kind of speaker than the Vandersteens. If you ever do move to the 3As you will need more than 55 watts though, and the are not alot of 100 watt EL34 amps, but some. My Music Reference RM9SE among them (with the superb RFT/Siemens previously mentioned).
Audioconnection is right. One of the most musically satisfying systems I ever assembled was Vandersteen 2Ci with a Vandersteen 2W with Audio Research amp and preamp. It would play any kind of music and it was very satisfying and fun. I may do that one again some day.
Decware Tori MKII with a pair of silverlines Preludes MKII, I use to have a pair of ET LFT VIIIb`s but sometimes I wanted to play it a little loud and just couldn`t get there. But this combo sounds very good, very dynamic , and can get loud when I want too.
I've been using the Manley Snapper 100W El34 amps for over a year with my Harbeth SHL5 speakers. I think 55watts would work just fine with them.