Speakers for 55 watts of EL-34 tube power ?

What are you folks currently using for speakers with this type of amplification ? I'm currently enjoying Vandersteen 1C's with my Rogue Audio Cronus, and I'd like to hear what other speakers are being enjoyed with EL-34 tubes.
Decware Tori MKII with a pair of silverlines Preludes MKII, I use to have a pair of ET LFT VIIIb`s but sometimes I wanted to play it a little loud and just couldn`t get there. But this combo sounds very good, very dynamic , and can get loud when I want too.
I've been using the Manley Snapper 100W El34 amps for over a year with my Harbeth SHL5 speakers. I think 55watts would work just fine with them.
Are you against the idea of moving up the Vandersteen line? But if you do, you will need VS subwoofers, at least with the 3As, as without them 55 watts will be a bit underpowered - assuming you love the VS sound - obviously many do. I thought my 3A Signature and a pair of 2Wqs was a superb system driven by CAT JL2s - 100 watt, Class A, triode. Having said that, I auditioned the Merlin VSMs, sold the VS3A/2Wqs, and never looked back - for me the Merlins are simply among the most resolving speakers made at any price - though not completely full-range, their bass depth is more (much more) than adequate for acoustic jazz, and highly articulate (33Hz-22Khz +/-2db). If you live near the Baltimore area, you can come listen to the Merlins in my place, with 35 watts (EL84 - more than adequate power), 60 watts (6AS7 - OTL), and 160 watts (EL34) tube amps and compare them with the sound of your Vandersteen setup and decide which sonic signature you prefer - they are very different speakers.
I just recently got My Cayin TA-30 repaired ( it had a couple of blown resistors) with the intention of selling it but I had almost forgotten how sweet the sound is matched with my Morel/Renaissance Preludes. The Cayin is only rated at 35WPC but it definitely sounds and plays much larger and the Preludes sound excellent with tubes. I purchased these speakers used almost 4 years ago,and every now and then I consider selling them for something else but a simple listening session seems to put an end to those thoughts.