@Beetlemania. Once again, it’s not about ultimate volume levels, but rather the ability to provide the power into the actual impedance loads of the loudspeakers.
I never meant to single out anyone in particular. Just the opposite, I’m suggesting that some of the amp recommendations made here by others weren’t necessarily the best general recommendations for many Thiel’s. It just so happened that I ended up following up to those individuals that responded to my post.
The power levels I suggested were actually based upon Thiel’s recommendations. Jim Thiel told me himself that Thiel’s power recommendations were based upon standard 8 Ohm power recommendations, with the assumption that the amps could double down as needed. He offered that for example that if using say a Thiel with a 4 Ohm rating, and one wanted use a tube amp (incapable of doubling down) then one should double the power recommendations appropriately.
As you can see from the links in my previous posts, many of the amps frequently reccomended here, struggle to do so into lower impedances.
As impedances drop so do sensitivitities. 400 Watts into 2 Ohms won’t provide much more volume output than 100 Watts into 8 Ohms.
I don’t think many would find 100 Watts an outrageous number of Watts with an 8 Ohm speaker.
I never meant to single out anyone in particular. Just the opposite, I’m suggesting that some of the amp recommendations made here by others weren’t necessarily the best general recommendations for many Thiel’s. It just so happened that I ended up following up to those individuals that responded to my post.
The power levels I suggested were actually based upon Thiel’s recommendations. Jim Thiel told me himself that Thiel’s power recommendations were based upon standard 8 Ohm power recommendations, with the assumption that the amps could double down as needed. He offered that for example that if using say a Thiel with a 4 Ohm rating, and one wanted use a tube amp (incapable of doubling down) then one should double the power recommendations appropriately.
As you can see from the links in my previous posts, many of the amps frequently reccomended here, struggle to do so into lower impedances.
As impedances drop so do sensitivitities. 400 Watts into 2 Ohms won’t provide much more volume output than 100 Watts into 8 Ohms.
I don’t think many would find 100 Watts an outrageous number of Watts with an 8 Ohm speaker.