Does removing anti-skating really improve sound?

I know this topic has been discussed here before, but wanted to see if others have the same experience as me. After removing the fishing line dangling weight from my tonearm I’m convinced my bass and soundstage has opened up. I doing very careful listening with headphones and don’t hear any distortion or treble harshness. So why use anti-skating at all? Even during deep bass/ loud passages no skipping of tracks. Any thoughts from all the analog gurus out there?
I have a Technics SL-1200G with Ortofon Quintet Black cartridge. I calibrated the arm using a Feickert protractor.  At this point, I can't say that not using anti-skating improves SQ, but I can unequivocally say it stops tonearm skating at cartridge set down.
I have always kept anti skating on my Vector 4 on the light side, just below mid level.  I think it best for several cartridges I have owned.  I think Millercarbon’s advice is sound.
it depends on the stylus tip profile, it's better to use antiskating if you don't want to destroy one side of the vinyl groove wall 
With my 12" Jelco and two 12" Groove Master tonearms used with Denon 103R, Audio-Technica Art9, Audio-Technica 33Sa, Benz Ace, and Soundsmith Zephyr cartridges little or no anti-skating sounds the best.  My two 12" Schick tonearms have no anti-skating.

When I used a 9" Jelco I again found very little to no anti-skating sounded the best. 

My opinion is what sounds the best is the best for my cartridges.