Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

What a perfect quote from Nelson Pass to characterize the essence of high-end audio!

@ronkent, I too have been steadily using Thiels for over 30 years. I never considered myself a "headbanger", and as I've said before, ultimate volume levels is a low priority for me. Still, it's a relevant aspect and I'm confident that Jim Thiel gave considered effort addressing it. As one moves up the Thiel range, one of the advantages is that the speakers become more capable of moving more air, with greater dynamic range and ultimate volume levels.

Let's look at what Larry Archibald former editor and former owner of Stereophile had to write about Thiel's and dynamic range.:

In some cases more recent models seemed to trade some bass response for greater loudness capabilities.

Thiel's might not have the ultimate volume levels of some of the big horns, but, neither are they limited, like so many panels are. They might not be the best in any single category, but IMHO they can offer very good to excellent performance across the board in every category, save perhaps for generosity in amplifier compatibility.

thanks Unsounds for all the good info.   You are a lot more technical than me as a lot of that is over my head,  but I certainly appreciate your continuing contributions to this discussion.  Until i got the 3.7's,  i only owned four generations of the two series,  and i do not think they were as difficult to drive as speakers such as the cs5 or 7.2.   Years ago a friend had  a three series with an equalizer, but i forgot the model.  that one i think was tougher. 

sdl4:  welcome to our little world of Thiel lovers.   It is fun for sure.   I understand about the increased dollars,  but if you ever get a chance to hear a pair of 2.4's take it for sure. 

Do you think the 2.4 is the stand-out in the 2 series? I'm assuming that you view the 3.7 as even better, but the 3.7 would require a greater outlay of cash on the used market. 
well i thought they were fantastic and were a nice improvement over the 2.2's.    the 2.7s were better still but not by as much of a margin.  Certainly if you can pick up a pair of them,  especially in the hot rod version SE,  then i would certainly,  $$$ permitting, go for it.