
I am kicking the idea of trying out vinyl. It’s been a long time since I had a turntable and it took a lot of thought whether I can deal with what always seemed like the snap, crackle & pops of an album. Anyway, I’ve decided to take a plunge after all the buzz how awesome it is. Of course before I make any final decisions, I always turn to the Audiogon community for their expert thoughts, opinions and education. I’m also looking for suggestions for a nice affordable table with tone arm and cartridge. Being the fact this is new to me and I may hate it, I’m looking for suggestions on the best affordable set up I can do for a new or used in the price range of $1000/$1500. I’m sure I can get a better bang for the buck going used. I just don’t know anything about these animals. My system is older but I still enjoy it which consist of a Mark Levinson 23.5 amp, Proceed AVP 2+6 used for 2 channel audio, Audio Acoustics model 9 speakers, Ayre DAC for digital with Transparent Audio Ultra mm2 cables. Any input is greatly appreciated!
@Kreber my condolences as well.  You can get the equipment packed for you by UPS among others for example.
There are other issues.  You need to know the value of the gear you're selling.  It would be good if you had a friend of your late husband who also knows audio.. Otherwise there is a blue book on this site.
You can list the equipment on a site called "Audio Asylum" for free but it will reach a national audience, shipping will be a concern, unless you say local pickup only. Of course some high end audio is sold on Ebay 
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@viridian I’m sorry, I don’t know how I missed this. So far, so good! Getting use to the Vinyl. I now buy new albums because at least they may not be analogoly( is that a word?) recorded, at least their not abused over 30 or 40 years of non audiophile grade players. Bottom line, I do enjoy the sound. Diana Karl sounds amazing on vinyl.
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As for snap crackle and pop.  The vast majority of this is dirt!  Get a decent dedicated record cleaner.
It will amaze you by the loss of noise on records that you listened to before you got the cleaner. Putting on a couple of drops of a cleaner and giving it a wipe on your turntable is no where near as good as with a dedicated machine.  That likely only removes some dust.   There are good models from under $100 (Spin clean is one)  to more than your current buget.   I tried three cleaners.  First an Okki Nokki which lets you manually clean one side of one record a time and cleans and vacuums the record side. A very nice unit assuming you can tolerate cleaning one record side and take your time.  I fond mine to just take time and does a fine job.  I would redcommend this unit if you want a not outlandish priced unit that works well (but takes time).  A second cheaper unit ( a spin clean brand) that you turn by hand and and clean one disk at a time with a brush while half the record is submerged in the soution. It is reasonable in price, likely under
Ultrasonic units cost from about $300 up and claim to be able to do more disks at the same time.  I bought a cheap ultrasonic and got busy at home so have not really tried it with multiple records.  Mine does slowyl turn (maybe 3 rev per minute) the record(s).  High priced Ultrasonic units are great for a ton of records and filter the cleaning solution and some even raise the records to dry.  You are into several Kilobucks for a real good one.