Do posters intend to hurt the feelings of other members?

It is usually the case that members engage in spirited, often passionate, discussions in threads. That’s normal. Regrettably, often those discussions veer off the tracks, where members are offended or genuinely have their feelings hurt by the content of others’ post(s). 

Do posters intend to hurt the feelings of other members? Your thoughts?
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Totally understand Elizabeth.

Tbh I cannot be bothered to go to such levels.

Once a thread has lost my attention I just unfollow it.
@elizabeth : "Let alone the ones now well into the thousands of replies (usually by the same few people)."

I think the exception to this is the threads that simply discuss what someone happens to be listening to at the moment. Nothing deep. Nothing technical. Little or no snarking or incivility. But, a treasure for those of us looking for new music, especially rock music which is now practically counterculture.
Agreed n80!

Music playing threads are the one area where hostilities have remained at cease fire status.

Of course there will always be disagreements even there.

Like I think Amused to Death is a terrible album .... Lol