The most important factor in soundstage imaging

Everybody wants a system that images well. There are  many discussions here positing equipment changes that will improve imaging. Some people think the magic wand is cables, others are sure it’s the preamp, and the ones that don’t think it’s preamps, think it’s amplifiers. And, of course, speakers are (correctly) mentioned. 

However, the single most important factor in audio stereo imaging, is increasing direct radiation and decreasing reflected radiation, by moving the speakers away from the back wall, and away from the side walls. 

Phomchick wrote: "The single most important factor in audio stereo imaging, is increasing direct radiation and decreasing reflected radiation, by moving the speakers away from the back wall, and away from the side walls."

I would agree that minimizing early reflections is AMONG the most important factors, but I don’t know what is THE most important factor.

Warning: The following is fairly technical, please skip it if you prefer not to read technical explanations.

Very early reflections (within about .68 milliseconds of the direct sound) are arguably the most detrimental to imaging, as they occur before the Precedence Effect kicks in. (Sound travels about 9 inches in .68 milliseconds). These are usually reflections (or diffractions) associated with the front baffle and sometimes associated with the drivers themselves. This brief time interval is within the arrival time difference for off-centerline sounds that arrive first at one ear and then at the other, from which we compute the angle that the sound comes from, which is why they tend to be especially detrimental to precise imaging. The longer the time interval (up to .68 milliseconds) before a sound arrives at the farther ear, the further off-centerline the sound seems to come from. So as we get closer to the .68 millisecond threshold, a correspondingly further-around-to-the-side false localization cue is generated. I believe this is why narrow speakers generally (there are many exceptions) image better than wide ones: Because the cabinet edge diffraction happens earlier within that .68 millisecond window.

Next we have the early reflections off of room boundaries, and the sidewall reflections are probably the most significant. They tend to "broaden" the image size, which many people find subjectively pleasing (according to Toole), but they can also degrade clarity (according to Geddes and Griesinger). These early sidewall reflections also tend to reduce the soundstage depth. Along with the (subjectively more benign) floor and ceiling bounces, the early sidewall reflections tend to superimpose a "small room signature" on the sound, which tends to mask the soundstage on the recording.

Ime relatively late-onset (after about 10 milliseconds) reflections are generally not detrimental to image localization, and can be beneficial by increasing the sense of envelopment and immersion within the soundscape on the recording. I like to intentionally increase the amount of late-onset reverberant energy for this reason: The ear/brain system judges the room size by the time interval between the first-arrival sound and the "center of gravity" of the reflections. By pushing that "center of gravity" further back in time, we reduce the amount of "small room signature" that is super-imposed atop the soundstage on the recording. Incidentally this is what acousticians try to do when designing the control room for a recording studio, so that the engineers can clearly hear the soundstage on the recording without the control room’s signature being super-imposed on top of it.

Imo, ime, ymmv, fwiw, etc.


Well this thread is done, Duke summed it up lol. 

So what about electronics? Why does one solid state amp have a larger sound stage than another solid state amp?
Wow Duke! You absolutely nailed it with regard to speakers!

I can’t add anything to do with speakers just a big thumbs up to your post!

What I can add is this, a little science...

Below 2000 Hz we locate sounds in the horizontal plane by time arrival at each ear. We can also figure out a lot of other info based on distortion off the pinea as well as comb filtering from the floor (locating sound front and back as well as high and low).

Above 2000 Hz, scientists have discovered that we use the relative loudness of sound. Our head is one huge blocking filter to HF sounds. At 30 degrees off axis the sound at 6000 Hz is 10 dB lower in one ear than the other - and this is what we use to calculate location. At higher frequencies the attenuation of the head can be as much at 20 or 30 dB - so we can very accurately figure out where a sound came from by using this method in addition to the other cues below 2000Hz.

Why do I mention this? Because minimum phase filters have become “du jour”. Even the lossy distorting next big thing called MQA uses minimum phase filters because marketing folks are trying to scare people with the INAUDIBLE pre-ringing boogie monster!

Minimum phase filters totally destroy the proper relationship between high frequencies and low frequencies. This is an imaging KILLER!!! High frequencies arrive much too late!!

Use only Linear Phase filters in your DAC if you wish to perfectly preserve imaging!!! (Preserve the maximum pinpoint imaging that was available from the source recording)

The real question is which S.S. amp has the correct soundstage? Some depth and dimension are artifacts that exist in part to the fact that your speakers are set out in your room and also from the room itself. Many recordings with depth actually shouldnt have depth or at least have less depth than is presented. At least this has been my experience.  
Forgot to add that a real enemy of speakers are crossovers which is why single driver speakers, when kept within its frequency comfort zones, are so good. All crossovers are problems, even the best first-order ones. It truly is like polishing a turd.