Help with speaker cable recommendations please

Hello and thanks for reading!

I have a Krell Vanguard integrated rated at 200W @ 8 ohms and 400 @ 4 ohms. My speakers are Sonus Faber Electa's rated at 8 ohms with a suggested amp rating between 80W and 200W. The speaker cables I am currently using are Audioquest Type 4, a 15 foot pair and I believe they are approximately 15 gauge. I purchased the cables terminated from a dealer for just $170. These cables were meant to be a stepping stone until finances permit me to upgrade, the thing is, these cables sound great to me! What might I be missing out on with these cables vs something that would be a better fit for my system? I purchased these "stater cables" based on recommendations and reviews I have read. What cables would be the next logical upgrade in your opinion that are friendly on the wallet and make a significant improvement in SQ?

Thanks for your help!

Lots of great cables out there and really none of us are going to be much help. If you don’t have a local dealer(s) with variety you can try at home then it makes it more difficult. Buying used is a safe bet playing Russian roulette because if you don’t like you can resale at little to no loss. I’ve had very good luck reaching out to cable manufactures that were not in my local area and they were great to work with and will send you some demos to make sure you like their cables and sometimes they have show demo wires they’ll sale at a discount.

Nothing wrong with the big names; they spend a lot on engineering but marketing as well. Obviously working with some of these companies directly is probably not going to happen, although many years ago we didn’t have Kimber locally and I called and spoke to Ray Kimber and bought from him which when my cables arrived they had in a box of Pepperidge Farm Cookies inside as well. Dealer shortly picked them up after I brought my cables in and shared my story.

All depends on what sounds right to you and what you’re looking for. Good luck.

Rob Fritz from Audio Art Cables is one of the good guys.  I have bought many cables from him and they always sounded good and looked as good as the much more costlier big name brands.

If you like the Audioquest type sound, I would recommend moving up in the line.  There are always used Audioquest cables here for sale.
Read up on these. Madiound will work with you and refund if you don’t like. Supra is one of if not the oldest audiophile wire companies out there. Pure engineering and no snake oil.

Give the Cable Co.  a call- You can demo several brands to see what you like.

I have AQ Type 4 and really like it but compared to another cable it is a bit heavy in the bass and slightly rolled off on the top