Double blind test- over a month- could this be a reliable test for any equipment?

I am aware there are lots of debate about the merit of the double-blind test.Reading lots of articles online makes me feel overwhelmed and also confusing- you could have a totally opposite view of the same piece of equipment and system.
Speak for yourself. My auditory memory is hours, days, weeks, years.

Eat more fish. 🐟 🐟 🐠

Our perfect auditory recall period is about 10sec"

This can be reliably, consistently, and repeatedly shown to be misleading, innaccurate, and false of course if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol as is so commonly, casually, and frequently promoted, advocated, and recommended on this sight then the claim, assertion, and statement could be true!
Our perfect auditory recall period is about 10sec. If there is a minute difference you didn’t pick up immediately, it’s impossible for you to notice a change the next day. If I changed the volume of your setup by 2dB, I doubt a single person on this forum could notice it if they didn’t listen to the change for a full day, whereas if immediatly listening, the change is easily audible.

You noticing differences is simply noticing things that already existed, but were simply not overtly audible. I could play you a song 5 times, and you would likely hear some change if I told you there was one.

Fascinating how you know what everyone else is able to hear. Especially since, according to what you wrote, you aren't able to remember anything more than 10 seconds.

My system sounds a whole lot better right after spraying anti-static and demagnetizing. Then within half an hour or so it needs to be repeated. This wasn't something anyone told me. This was something I learned by listening. And being able to remember more than 10 seconds.

I had some friends over one time. This guy didn't believe any of this either. He brought his wife and I told him, have her bring her favorite CD. That's all. I played her music and then asked if there was one track on her CD she wouldn't mind hearing twice. No other clue. They listened and when the track was done I stepped out, walked to the garage, flipped all the breakers off, came back and played the track again. They had no idea what was going on. Immediately when the song was over the wife exclaimed, "What did you do??? It sounded so much better!!!" I didn't even ask, she just blurted it out.

That was a lot more than 10 seconds.

Another time the same guy, like I said he just refused to believe. So when no one is looking he moves the chair a bit to one side. Because I had told him how critical symmetry is to imaging, so he's gonna have this big laugh I guess. Only, I happened to sit there to listen and set the volume for the next person. Just sitting and listening I noticed right away something was wrong. Checked the balance, nope. So either the chair or one or both speakers got moved. In no time flat, and the guy was watching and couldn't believe it, I had the chair back where it belonged. Entirely from listening. And remembering. For a whole lot longer than 10 seconds.

I could go on and on. Parties swapping power cords for a whole room full of people. Takes a lot more than 10 seconds to swap a power cord. Everyone hears the difference.

Heck, forget audio. Ask any mom if she knows what her baby sounds like. They remember EXACTLY what sound they make.

Lewis Hamilton, you can bet he remembers how his car sounds from one lap to the next.

10 seconds. Right.

My system sounds a whole lot better right after spraying anti-static "

This sounds like a dangerous, unwise, reckless practice and is the type of thing I would expect to be suggested, promoted, and recommended by those hear who also routinely, regularly, and frequently engage in the consumption of various types of mind-altering intoxicants.