I've had a red dragon S500 in my system for about a year. The amp continues to amaze me. It plays with such authority and control while able to produce a nuanced and balanced sound. I've found the amp to pair well with my LS50's and my roommate's tannoy XT-8f's, fairly different speakers but similar performance. Most recently I've been using a passive TVC volume control with the S500 which really shows off the amp's ability to produce a very holographic sound. The music just hangs in the air. I found an aftermarket power cable to really improve the sound as well.
I previously had a yamaha A-S501 and a peachtree nova 150 which was a great amp, but I just prefer the S500 and the passive combo. I really think your amp choice depends on the rest of your system, especially your front end for a class D amp. My roomate has a nuprime oversampling USB DAC that just doesn't play well with the S500, whereas my NOS R2R DAC really makes the amp sing and is far more laid back.
What are your speakers and your front end and why class D?
I previously had a yamaha A-S501 and a peachtree nova 150 which was a great amp, but I just prefer the S500 and the passive combo. I really think your amp choice depends on the rest of your system, especially your front end for a class D amp. My roomate has a nuprime oversampling USB DAC that just doesn't play well with the S500, whereas my NOS R2R DAC really makes the amp sing and is far more laid back.
What are your speakers and your front end and why class D?