I want to be moved and have the music touch my soul!

Hello all.
To start here's my system:  Harbeth Compact 7es-3 speakers with DIY 10" subs. JL Audio CR-1 crossover. Rotel RB 981 power amp for the subs. Ayre KX5mp pre amp. SMC Audio DNA1 Gold power amp. Cardas reference neutral interconnects. Kimber 8Tc speaker cables. Oppo BD105 player. 

The system sounds great but it does not move me. I want the music to touch touch my soul. I have been through many different speakers in the past 4 years but I like the Harbeths the most. I feel bored when I'm listening. I'm not sure what to do other than spend more money. Any help?
Thanks in advance.
It will have to be positioned perfectly in relation to the speakers of course.
It maybe that your bored with the music you have collected or choose to listen to.  Sometimes I get bored with 'Western music' so I listen to Arabic music (old & new), wow that was like discovering Rock'nRoll all over again. Their drum beats are so fresh, different and so comprehensive.  Their approach to singing and composition of songs are so inventive.  Its very hard for me not to be passionately or at least musically involved in their music and to date its never been boring for me.  Its just a suggestion, try a new genre of music or even other music from different countries and continents, it may work for you.  At the end of the day music is a subjective choice and I just hope there is still something out there which will move you. 
Find out where and what your soul is and everything else will fall in place .