Recommended Speaker List for Atma-Sphere OTL Amplifiers.

OK, I am not sure how many times this has been disscused but the information is found all over the forum. I would possible love to compile a list here.

I personally own the Classic Audio Loudspeakers T1.5

I am now looking to build a second room with the M60 Mono Blocks and MP-3 Pre-amp.

Would love fellow audiogon memebers posting any feedback with speakers they have used with these Amazing OTL sounding Amplifiers.
I think that the impedance curve is more important than the sensitivity. The DeVore 0/96s are a superb match and this comment is based on hours of actual listening experience. A friend and myself built a pair of M60s and have never heard a better amp on the DeVores. We compared the M60s to VAC, Audio Note and Mastersound. 
Vandersteen 5 series, Quatro series, Treo's with Sub 3s  have an easy impedance for most any tube or OTL design.
The unique 100  HZ high pass unloads the heavy lifting for the main amp and allows the speakers internal solid state amp to take care of the bass frequencies, in room compensation adjustments takes out your room / placement issues dramatically improving transparency and clarity of the whole system.
 Vandersteen dealer
..and to pile on a bit, the Vandersteen way preserves the transfer function of the main amplifier, which is part of the point of this thread....

How does Tannoy & atmasphere match up? Especially in the bass department......
Very well is the short answer.
I have used the MA-1s amp with the Vandersteen Treos without subs and they sound great!