Raven 20 watt needs Speakers

I have a Raven 20 watt tube amp and enjoying the sounds over solid state Marantz I owned.
Using Definitive Techogoly BP 8080 st speakers and believe I want to leave
Bi Polar world of speakers after having them 28 yrs (Had Mirage M-5 for 28 yrs ) .

So my room size 27'x14'x8'ceilings with hard wood floors and just put rubber pads under my speakers and that did get rid of floor vibration allowing speakers to have little more detail .

So looking for decent quality speakers and leading towards Focal Aria 936 or 948 but see watts rated 50 min on them and Raven at 20 wpc...
Any one use these on lower watt amp and get good results ??
Or any speaker with quality sound you would recommend for my room size ??

Good move on speaking w Dave. I use and fancy Omega Speakers with tube amplification. They would probably work very well with his 20 watt amp as long as the dampening factor is low and you like the single driver sound. 
Well talking with Dave Thompson of Raven and Raven will have their own speakers out for the low watt Nighthawk and Blackhawk Amps called CeLest in late summer.. So I will be patient and wait for them to come out and give them a try ..He also said my Blackhawk Mk iii will ship end of April and looking forward to hearing the difference of it to Nighthawk I am using now..So will keep you posted on what I hear from all this step by step Raven equipment..