In 1961, when Wigner introduced the idea that would eventually become known as "Wigner’s friend," only one scenario was used. With the new experiment, it was doubled and the results that Wigner had first discussed more than 50 years still rang true.
Quantum mechanics gives detail on how the world works at a scale so small that the rules of physics do not apply, Live Science added. With the new findings of the study, the field of quantum mechanics may change if measurements are not the same for everyone.
"It seems that, in contrast to classical physics, measurement results cannot be considered absolute truth but must be understood relative to the observer who performed the measurement," Ringbauer told Live Science. "The stories we tell about quantum mechanics have to adapt to that."
~~~~~~~~~~~Note: the underlying characteristic of all Newtonian objectivity is entirely quantum mechanical in nature and type.
That above excerpt regards a study that was released the other day.
And a thousand other places to look and find more supporting data, if one is brave enough to look.
This is how groups if ’deniers’ can do a multitude of ’psychic sensitivity’ testing at the most rigorous levels of quality possible and always come up empty.
Where those who believe that psychic sensitivity is real, when enacting the most rigorous scientifically objectively enacted studies (just like deniers) will receive back...a perfect confirmation of it’s reality. As they have in thousands of instances of rigorously perfected studies, for many decades.
It really is: You get back what you put out. Objectivity cannot and does not exist. It is a figment of your imagination and projections, as tied to the underlying nature of reality.
So, in essence, you can ignore this study and shut your mind from recalling this point. (which quite a few will) and you will be successful in that, as that path through reality takes over...
Or you can go and find the other thousands of data points that support the reality of objectivity’s non existence - the impossibility of classical objectivity. And then move toward ruminating all of reality, not just self created boxes and limits. The ’problem’ for the objective ground hugger mentality, is... linear space-time takes a hit so hard it openly fails in this space, this reality, in the now.
What the situation are free to lie to yourself however you may want about what you project, and you will interact with those realities and ’receive’ them. Or you can look at the world in how it truly is, where potential and reality is tied to you and what you can accept, understand, and bring into this world.
Essentially, the monkey has to get smart, get it straight, and finally relax, or it’s going to kill us all.
What does this have to do with contentious argument threads about audio?
Well, obviously...everything. Cable deniers, hearing deniers, logic deniers, etc.
Electricity by necessity, by reality, by fundamentals, is a quantum calculation and system. So is the human mind.