Digital Room Correction For Speakers

Any suggestions for a digital room correction device which is easy to use. Or is it better to buy a pair of speakers which has the system built in such as Vandersteen. Any feed back is appreciated.
I assume you've already done this, but in case you haven't I'd try pulling your speakers further out into the room and maybe toe them in a little more. 

If you really like your speakers and can't tame the bass hump with placement or additional room treatments, I'd definitely go for some room EQ rather than go through the hassle and expense of finding new speakers that may end up having the same problem.  Don't think you can go wrong with the DSpeaker X4, but it's got a lot of features you're not gonna use, which seems a shame.  You might consider the anti-mode 2.0 with the outboard power supply and save $2500.  I know the review mentioned above said it had some noise and imaging shortcomings, but I've not read that from other reviews and I'd bet the upgraded power supply will help in those areas.  FWIW.  Here's the link to Underwood Hifi...

Best of luck with this, and let us know how you make out. 
Thanks SOIX2:

I appreciate your feedback and have been talking to Underwood Hifi and will most likely go with room EQ. My only fear with EQ is that it might take away the good sound and not only the bass. Do you use any room EQ?

@samgar2 -- Not right now.  My system is in a basement on a concrete slab, and in that room I'm not feeling much need for it.  But every system I've heard EQ in, it produced significant improvements that far outweighed any downside.  Given what you're describing I think there's a good chance you're going to like what you hear.  Most good EQ systems don't do much to frequencies that already measure flat but rather attenuate the ones that are overdone.  
MHO...OK, my preferences....I've been running 'active room eq' for nearly two decades now.  I prefer to 'run the space flat' since I've never had, nor wish for, a 'dedicated listening space', 'man cave', or the like.  Doesn't really fit my/our 'lifestyle', of which music is a semi-daily sort of thing.

You can't substantially change the room.  You can stuff various 'n sundry about, absorbing this or that.  But you're still in the same space with the same dimensions, same fundamentals and harmonics.

If one gets religious about it, one can take the calibrated mike, run samples of multiple points within the space, & average it out.  It may sound a tad odd for awhile, but after awhile one gets the point that you're getting to hear the music rather than the room and/or the equipment.

Works for me, anyway.  We'll all do what scratches the itch, after all. *G* ;)