Why are you into hi end audio?

Just wondering if anyone feel the same as l do.l work hard and have nice things.l like to spend money when l feel like it...for the last 40 years ive had great audio gear and have enjoyed every minute of it....ln contrast every time l buy a nice car l lose big money and have a bad overall experience ..taxes,insurance, depreciation  and repairs. ...losing 30-40K on a new car or truck after 3-5 years is normal these days so l have no guilt when spending money on hi end audio..it makes me feel great year after year....l dont have to put gas in it or worry about door dings or hail storms,insurance,exise taxes evey year,new tires or crazy repair bills...so l dont feel bad dropping 50K on some McIntosh gear....you wont make money on it but its better than spending it on a new car in my opinion. If you have a beautiful room with a beautiful 2 channel system it can be the most wonderful space to spend time in...way better than sitting in traffic. .....


The SoundStage! This sounds bad I know unless you're understanding where I'm coming from but trophy audio sounds horrible to me. A system that is tunable though is hard to pull me away from. Lock me away and through away the key.

There is nothing like listening to a well developed soundstage.

Michael Green

I think a better question, and one that I ask from time to time (not around here, and often rhetorically...still), is why AREN’T you into high end audio? Answers I get are generally things like, "what's that?"...or "it's so complicated"...or "it's a pack of snobs"...or "my receiver from college still works great"...etc. 

There are "enthusiasts" in every area of human activity; why should music and it’s reproduction be an exception? I find the lack of a deep interest in music of more concern than that of hi-fi. Most of the musicians I know listen to music on their computer’s speakers; Evan Johns’ system was a boom box!

The average person (what an insulting thing to call anyone ;-) does not sit and listen to music as a "destination" activity, the focus of one’s consciousness. It is THAT fact, not that HEA audio components have become too high in mass (what an odd contention; my EAR-Yoshino 868L provides better sound than did my ARC L16, and weighs about twice as much. Same with my Herron VTPH-1 vs. my ARC PH3.), that is largely responsible for the decline in sales of high performance music systems.