Linear tracking turntables, whatever happened?

Curious as to the demise and downfall of the seemingly short lived linear tracking TT.
Just from a geometry point of view I would have thought a linear arm should be superior to one with a fixed pivot that sweeps through an arc.
Obviously there is much more to it than that, sort of the reason for this thread.
I am genuinely interested in trying one out for myself as well.
Just been having fun with the sl10.
Have 3 carts for it and been checking out what I prefer.
Still the Adzen is tops followed by the Ortofon MC p mount cart and lastly a Sonus p mount mm ( which I think really needs a new stylus)
This thing has made me lazy though!. Just pop the top, drop an album in, close the top and push start. Enjoy music.

Not got around to placing into the main system yet,so much to do, so little time!
Finally got round to placing the sl10 into my main system and what disappointment.

Not because of the sq per se but what must be some mismatch in equipment although it is most odd.

With the sl10 hooked up to my main rig through the GoldNote PH10 there is just very excessive sibilance that cannot be tamed, even dropping loading from 47k to 22k did not rid it even though there was a lot of drop of treble and detail.

Very strange as back in my second system it is perfect, listening to it now.

Chalk it up to system synergy, or lack thereof in this case!

In the past I have found that the more resolving a system becomes, the more it can highlight set up errors with vinyl. So many moving separate pieces.
If it is happening with all the records, and not just a few, and the other room was fine; then I suspect that your system/room 1, is more resolving, and the SL10 deck will therefore require fine tuning for that room.

Better adjustment of SRA, VTF, Azimiuth. Too much VTF can affect SRA.

Also, audiophiles that like to use the type of Speakers, that are normally found in Recording Studios; these speakers will reveal more of the good, and the bad.  

But hey, since it seems to have found a home in your other room ......


Top causes of Sibilance From Soundsmith

1. Worn stylus/damaged stylus
2. Fouled stylus
3. Low end styli (conical)
5. Improper azimuth (far more critical as styli become more esoteric in shape)
6. Improper VTF
7. Bad tone arm bearings


You could well be right and the older sl10 with a used azden cart may well be suffering from many of the symptoms described under your main causes of sibilance.

Absolutely as the second system total cost is less that the cartridge on my main system it will be much less resolving and likely just does not show up these deficiencies.