Audiophile looking to organize monthly or bi-monthly audio get-togethers in the Greenville, SC area. I am a former member of the Boston Audio Society and still stay in contact with many of them. Would like to develop same type of group here.
Login, do a member search, lookup a name and then click on it to view feedback, find what they have for sale (if anything), will find a 'Send Message' link on the left side of the page......
My wife and I are shopping for our "retirement home" in or near Asheville, NC. I haven't found much in the way of audio dealers and have yet to find an audio club in the area.
I live near Asheville. There are a few audiophiles in this area, but no club that I'm aware of. We might be able to arrange some get-togethers. Over the years, most of us have visited each other for listening sessions. Drop me a line when you get moved in and we'll see if we can get something started. It would be fun!
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