Im looking for an expert review of my system nameTom and been working on my 2 channel system for the past 30 years or so..always looking for improvement. sounds terrific now but l want some analysis and criticism. is as follows :
Infinity Kappa 9 speakers,first gen.
McIntosh Mc1.25kw mono blocks 
McIntosh C52 pre amp
McIntosh MCD 600 cd player
Richard Gray 1200S pair
Bluesound vault  cd ripper hard drive 
Samsung 18.5 tablet touch screen 
Monster cable MK2 bi wire cables
Custom silver inter connects balanced
Is there another speaker out there that will blow these Kappas out of the water in my price range?
In afraid to replace them and make a huge mistake. ...they really sing....l use the system ever day its sounds amazing. ....l think my listing room could use improvement at this point not my equipment. ....anyone have any ideas?

The HFT and ECT might not look like much, but they will make your speakers disappear. You only think they sound good now. These things won't change the fundamental character of your speakers at all. They will sound exactly like they do now, only with greater clarity and better imaging in a deeper, wider sound stage. You will hear improvement from the very first one, and more only keeps adding until by the time you're doing the speaker kit the speakers are even more invisible. Search around you'll find threads with a bunch of people with the same glowing comments as on the highend-electronics website. Perfect time right now they're having a promo all through March.
+1 for millercarbon ...

You're happy with the system and enjoy what it's doing. It's fulfilling your musical needs and tastes.  It's time for you to start delving into the world of tweaks. There are plenty of threads here on A'gon that will guide you in that regard. Just explore and ask questions ... and above all, have fun.

vinnydabully (love your moniker)
As a fan of those classic Infinity Reference designs, it is going to be a difficult task to replace your Kappa 9 loudspeakers. If nothing by way of presentation and sound is broken, leave your system as is.  Happy Listening!

Thanks for the advice. ....My infinity kappa 9's always sounded good but they ran out of gas at a point. .....when l purchased these Mc1.25 kw amplifiers. .everything god do they put out the sound now.......its hard to describe. ...the instruments sound real......the next step is a stand alone music room added to my house. .....Easy said than done. ....
Nice system!
If you do anything, focus on the setup (use Jim Smith's book Get Better Sound) and the room (acoustic treatment). These will give you half of what you hear.