The Science of Cables

It seems to me that there is too little scientific, objective evidence for why cables sound the way they do. When I see discussions on cables, physical attributes are discussed; things like shielding, gauge, material, geometry, etc. and rarely are things like resistance, impedance, inductance, capacitance, etc. Why is this? Why aren’t cables discussed in terms of physical measurements very often?

Seems to me like that would increase the customer base. I know several “objectivist” that won’t accept any of your claims unless you have measurements and blind tests. If there were measurements that correlated to what you hear, I think more people would be interested in cables. 

I know cables are often system dependent but there are still many generalizations that can be made.
Actually atomic particles are referred to as nanoscale, like the data on a CD. Besides it’s not really true that quantum mechanics only applies to things on a very small scale. That’s a common misconception. That’s what the Schrodinger Cat thought experiment illustrated among other things. It’s getting so there’s no clear separation between classical physics and quantum physics. Quantum mechanics is a concept, as much as anything. Like the double slit experiment - A bowling ball will display the same quantum characteristics as a photon.And quantum Teleportation. And entanglement. A Quantum of Solace. Was James Bond into quantum mechanics?
"Let’s not make this more complicated than it has to be."
Are we ignoring directionality now?
Thank you. That is a compliment I was craving. Especially when it comes from that direction.
I sold Nordost for over 10 years of time. I even sold the most Valhalla cables for many years. I have done thousands of test with cables in over 20 years of time. Differences between brands are huge. In the end, you need cables who can reveal and display all the different aspects of sound.

In 2010 I started to sell Audioquest cables again. I also sold Kimber a lot for a long time. As Purist Audio power cables.

But....when you test many different brands you all know ( I won’t tell the brands) the facts prove that most cables emphasis a certain freq. range. This always works negatively. It needs to be as linear as possible.

But......when people have no idea about sound and about the different aspects/properties of sound you have no idea what is the best choice. We do both sound&vision by Tru-Fi.

This means we work and think by all the different aspects/properties of sound and also for vision. Because you need them all to become one with your music. Many brands in cabels I tested are not able to reveal all the different aspects/properties of sound. They will always create a limitation in each system you use.

You will need an audio-system what can reveal all the details and different aspects of sound. You will find these details and aspects of each recording. But almost all products which are produced in the world of audio cannot reveal all the aspects of sound.

In cables, you see exactly the same limitations as in all other audio products. This is why almost all sold systems cannot reveal all the details and different aspects of sound. When we talk to new clients who own incomplete trial&error systems they often miss the engagement and emotion.

This can be easily explained when different aspects are missing. All the different aspects of sound can influence human emotion. So this makes it more clear why the level in emotion and intensity becomes less.

When we judge all different cables on all aspects of sound the facts prove that most are incomplete. People who work in audio and those who see audio as their hobby all do audio by trial and error. And most have no idea about the aspects of sound.

For them, it is even impossible to understand what the cable they want to buy does to their system. Because almost all sold systems in the world cannot reveal all the aspects of sound.

For over 5 weeks now I own the new Audioquest Fireblade Zero+bass in a single bi-wire configuration. I started to do research between the single wire cables vs the single bi-wire cables in 1999, So I know exactly the important benefit of single bi-wire cables for loudspeakers who have the option to be used in bi-wire.

We only create systems who are able to reveal all the aspects of sound. And the Audioquest cables can reveal and display all these different aspects as well. But.....most systems which are sold in the whole F. world are incomplete. This means that all AudioQuest cables you will use in an incomplete trial&error system cannot be used at the max they can offer you.

This week I bought a monster of a Gryphon Antilion Signature power amp of 90 kilos. And when it is being installed and we have done a new Statement Audio Pro-measurement I will invite AudioQuest Europe. It will make my stage even wider en deeper. And it will create a higher level in layering compared to my former Pass Labs.

I asked Audioquest to bring in all their Niagara conditioners. I will ask them to give a demonstration of how they use their products and cables at my place. I have tested the Niagara conditioners and I know that they cannot reveal all the aspects of sound.

After they have done their presentation I will show them what happens when you use a conditioner who is able to reveal all the aspects of sound. And how big the differences are in intensity and emotion. I do not want to make them look like fools. I only want to show them what conditioners can do when they are able to reveal all the aspects of sound.

I have sold in 2018 by far the most Storm power cables in my country. I already started to do a lot of research on power cables in 2002. In the Tru-Fi world, the level in the effectiveness of power cables is never comparable compared to the same power cable in an incomplete trial&error audio system.

All my clients call these cables a bargain. But when I talked to Audioquest about the Storm power cables the reactions in the whole of Europe and Asia are totally different. And sold not as much as they hoped for. In the US they are sold a lot more. But due to the lack of insight and knowledge in cables in most audio shops they cannot create the same level in effectiveness as we can create.

For the Audioquest loudspeaker cables, the differences are huge as well. We sell so much more expensive loudspeaker cables than almost all audio shops. In the Tru-Fi world, a cable is of the same importance as a source, loudspeaker or even an amp. Friday I had contact with Audioquest by phone about their new loudspeaker cables.

And I asked them does the sales of the new loudspeaker show that most are sold in a single wire? They saw in their system that this was correct. I predicted this a few months ago already. Most people in audio have not the insight and knowledge in the benefits of using single bi-wire for bi-wire loudspeakers.

And now comes the main reason for this. In a Tru-Fi world where the stage is always 3-dimensional and deep and wide. The benefit of a single bi-wire configuration is a lot bigger than compared to any 2-dimensional system by trial&error. Who often also miss other different aspects of sound.

We have sold the new Audioquest loudspeaker cables only in a zero+bass single wire configuration. In a shootout with an Audioquest loudspeaker cable in a single wire configuration and the use of bridges the outcome would be rather big. a trial&error incomplete audio system, the differences are a lot less compared to the Tru-Fi world?

So......the question is?

What is the truth?