Reasonable but not outragious interconnects


Can you all please give me some recommendations on rca interconnects lets say in the $50-$75 per pair range for 3’? 

I have the new b&w 804 d3’s, Classe amp and Marantz pre amp. I’m not looking for $200/ft cables. Just something decent and reasonable. I know a lot of people on this forum go super expensive. I will admit I am running monoprice cables on it now and it sounds really good but I think I could get the little bit more out of this system with better. 

Save your money.

There is no guarantee that changing cables will change, let alone improve, your system one iota and there is an even chance that it will be worse!!!


Anything you try must be 100%RNQA: 100% Returnable No Questions Asked.

Please see for a bit of information on the cable scam
That’s funny. I am upgrading from monoprice interconnects as well. For the power side I already have pangea power cords connected to a panamax power conditioner. 
Talk about snake oil!

Seriously, the one bit of good advice is to audition first before you buy, or never buy what you can't return.

To all the rest I say- bunk!

System dependent? Not that I have ever seen! And no, not saying the same cable will sound exactly the same in every system. Get real. But while it will not sound the same, if its good it will sound good in every system. Period. Or it ain't good. Its literally the definition of good. Get your mind around it if you can.

Granted its not easy. Granted the vast majority of cables are crap. Granted even the vast majority of cables touted all over boards like this one are crap. Grant all of that and more, it does not change the fact there are good ones out there. Its easy to parrot the party line. Snake oil. Save your money. Much harder to do the work of searching out, listening, and comparing.

Only one of these however will get you a really good sounding system.

Choose wisely.

" Talk about snake oil! System dependent? Not that I have ever seen!...if its good it will sound good in every system. Period. Or it ain’t good. Its literally the definition of good...the vast majority of cables are crap. Granted even the vast majority of cables touted all over boards like this one are crap...Its easy to parrot the party line. Snake oil."

If anyone here is advancing, promoting, or repeating the "party line" it is this poster with his multiple, repeated, incessant claims of "snake oil! snake oil" and claims, assertions, and pronouncements that the vast majority and percentage of this product market segment are crap and that a good cable will sound good on any system at all which is pure, sheer, utter nonsense perhaps he should design, manufacture, advertise, market, and distribute his own line of cables for Music Reproduction Systems that he will certify contain no artificial snake oil!
I am far from an expert on cables and up until about 7 years ago you could call me a skeptic. I had to hear it for myself before I was convinced, and I was shocked the improvements decent cables can make. And the crazy thing is it’s all the cabling not just the interconnects but also speaker wire and line cords. My suggestion is go online and type in “the cable company” they have consultants that know which manufacturers  works well with your equipment and you can return them if you don’t like. My vote is DH labs encore it’s they entery level cable and pretty cheap. I run there silver Sonics and I love them very good value for the money.