michaelgreenaudio OP728 posts03-25-2019 2:02pm
"Michael, and how exactly does that information help your argument?"
Sometimes I copy and paste things directly from the text books so I can avoid any arguments like I did in this case. If someone wants to argue it’s not with me.
I find physics to be pretty simple stuff, well documented and easy to demo. I see HEA many times trying to reinvent the wheel, but that just leads to heated discussions and I’d rather be listening to music.
>>>>>Well, you started the thread. Define vibration. Define audio signal. Otherwise you’re the troll. And you’re the one who asked to keep trolling to a minimum, remember? Don’t be alarmed by the word argument. It’s not supposed to be a threatening word. Well, not usually, anyway.
If you find physics to be pretty simple stuff then you are one of the very few. I think it was Feynman who said, if you think you understand electricity you probably don’t.