Review on Tekton Design Perfect Set Speaker just went live on Six

My review on the Tekton Design Perfect Set just was posted on Six Hope it gives all the information and details why this another killer speaker from this company. 
During my reviewing process I tested thePS with SET tube amps and very high powered solid state designs all with great success. Your Pimaluna piece would be a great match.

Thanks for your prompt and to-the-point response, @teajay.
Thanks for the responses Terry, that was very helpful! 

One other I'd like to know, since it's not likely I would ever get the opportunity, is how similar or different are the Ulfbherts compared to the Perfect SETs? Is it mainly the sheer scale that the Ulfbherts portray that really distinguish them from the rest of the TD lineup, or something else?
Thanks for the report teajay,
I'm interested in the Perfect Set 15 after learning about the original PS.
I wonder why both are offered, other than a minimal difference in foot print? The frequency specs appear to be the same, but I would expect the 15" driver to put out a little more bass. Definitely curious to learn more.

Hey fibonacci1618,

Yes, the Ulf's offer an overall "effortlessness", the ability to pressurize a room, sense of scale that the other Tekton's don't quite have on the same level.  Remember this is a big speaker that needs a very large acoustic space to produce its magic.

However, the Tekton house sound offers this, but just to a lesser degree then the biggest in its line of speakers.  In a smaller space the PS gives you a good "taste" of the bigger speakers. 
Thanks very much Terry. I am fortunate to have a rather large room so even if I one day do go for the Ulfberhts, I can re-arrange the layout to accommodate them. For now, I'll keep to the smaller siblings.
