CD Transports

Since CD transports just spin the discs, would I be justified in spending a lot of money on one, or buy a reasonably priced one (both units being well respected), and put the extra money into a more expensive DAC?
Hi lowrider57,

 I’m hoping to A/B the Box and the Bifrost at the same time for that very reason. I like the Oppo because it plays hdcd and SACD, and I also have a Sony spinner ( can’t remember Model ) that will enter the mix.


Since you're using a PSA DAC, I would go with the PSA Transport and take advantage of the I2S connection between them .  That is what I upgraded to and have never looked back ! 

Happy listening ! 
+1 @curiousjim.

@instlouis, in addition to the excellent SQ produced using I2S, the PSA memory transport reads the disc, then uses a buffer (FPGA) to clock and error correct  the data before outputting the signal. The result is very low jitter and noise being transferred to the DAC.

My portable CD player, a Walkman, employs a buffer. But buffering, it can be demonstrated, doesn’t neutralize the deleterious effects of stray laser light getting into the photodetector. You won’t know it’s a problem until it’s no longer there. Perfect Sound Forever. Yeah, right.
So if I'm remembering correctly, the NuPrime CDT 9 is very jittery for a modern transport.  Is that right?