I'm a beginner

Hi All,

I just bought ML impression 11A. before that, I was using BOSE. Please give me your best opinion on AMP/Preamp, Subwoofer, speaker cable, and center channel. 

So far I shortlisted Balanced Force210 and ML Focus ESL C18 for Center speaker. 
Do I need both Power Amp and Preamp?
Which speaker cable should I use?


You need pre-amp and power amp; this can be separate units or a combo.  
You are gonna need a surround sound processor, so it’s either by a all-in-one surround receiver, or by separates, the latter much more expensive. 
I would recommend Denon/Marantz for consumer level and Anthem/Arcam for prosumer. However, Denon/Marantz are much better with updates for latest tech NAD is another good one, but again, I have a hard item finding any official documents stating whether they support modern formats (Dolby Vision for instance). 
I would suggest a Denon X3500, normally $1K, but on Amazon for $800:
It has pre-outs so you can try a high-end power amp down the line if you want. 
I suggest using the room correction (Audyssey), though I do suggest the $20 app to adjust the target curve. If you want tips on doing the room correction and/or tips on adjusting it via the paid app, I can do that.
What are you doing? Movies or music? How big is your room? How loud does it need to be? What is your budget? Are you seriously thinking of following any advice from here? Before answering all the above questions? Already you got someone who knows nothing saying you need a pre-amp and a power amp. When almost certainly you'd be better off with an integrated. Or even a receiver. Who knows? Only you- and even then only after listening to the choices.
mlimpression, as millercarbon suggests you are going to have to give us a lot more info.

Start with whether you are looking for a home theater set up or just music set up or combo. Then let us know about the room size, etc. Then maybe what kind of music you are into if music is part of the equation and then, very important, your budget. You don't want someone to suggest $10,000 speaker cables if your budget is $15,000 for the system.

Lots of knowledgeable folks here who can help you out but you have to give them more to go on.
Thanks for your suggestions. Im in both but mainly in music. My full budget is between 10-15k.