Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Thank You for the update after consulting Rob at CSS. Looking forward in reading more about your findings. Keep up the excellent R&D.

Happy Listening!

You own a very nice Accuphase system. I have always wanted to demo their gear. It certainly does not appear to be an electronics/speaker mismatch per se. Thank You for citing Mr. Gillum's attempt to repair the EQ and mentioning oblgny's assistance as well.  I do not have any information on wether or not these devices are repairable? Between the collection of minds here, hope there is a viable solution at issue.

3.5ers - The 3.5 EQ should be repairable. Someone here led me to a DIY schematic - very complete and thorough. I am forwarding that to Rob at CSS in case there might be some additional value there.
Regarding the 3.5 midrange - Rob has samples of a new ScanSpeak driver coming for testing. The supplier says it should need no XO modification. Rob and I will confirm that or devise a xo update kit to make it work. 
2.2ers - I received a pair of 2.2s serial #s 2697 & 2698 in mint condition, on loan from an old dealer from my tenure at Thiel . I recognize the veneer that I bought in upland Bolivia. It is a separate species of Pau Ferro which we renamed "Amberwood" to differentiate it from the more common lowland / purple Pau Ferro which we called "Morado". It's hard to believe that someone took such care - they are over 20 years old and pristine. Their use will be as my unmodified base reference as I make changes to my 2.2 workhorses. He will get his pair upgraded in appreciation of the loan.
Dinopau - hiss and noise from one channel means there is something wrong. Swapping leads can isolate the problem to its source component. If the verdict is noise from the right speaker, the problem is probably failed electrolytic capacitors. They don't last forever, and at ~ 30 years, their life-span is expiring. Direct replacements can be bought from Madisound, etc. for short money.