Steve: Do you have any experience with the Auralic Vega Dac? Are these more laid back than benchmark and would they benefit from the Synchro-Mesh?
No clue. it has 30-day money-back, less shipping.
Steve N.
Apple TV Streaming Sound Quality vs Streamer?
Sure it does. The better the HDMI cable, the more clear and focused the picture will be.Not true. The picture is digital, pixel-by-pixel. It's not a radio signal. For example, some answers from proper guys here HDMI doesn't have an error-correction protocol, but you either get a picture as-is or don't get it at all. For $150 for the iFi SPDIF iPurifier, what do you have to lose? Just return it to Amazon if it doesn't work for you. This will give you a small taste of what a reclocker can do.Agreed. Waiting for my Chromecast Audio/iPurifier to try. |
You all have my head spinning and I am glad I found this thread...if only to resurrect it 3 months later. I am in the process of building a new home office. I am a graphic-designer for a living and thus DEEPLY entrenched in the Apple eco-system. I have a few older gen ATV's and AX's laying around. My plan for my office was a pair of KEF LS50 wireless connected to an older ATV via Toslink. I do have some HD audio files in my library that I would love to hear at their full potential but it sounds like in order to do so, my idea of using the older ATV via Toslink may need a rethink?... |
I’m glad I found this thread as well. I’ve been looking at using a Chromecast Audio and / or AppleTV as a streaming device. I saw the iFi Purifier and comments that it really cleans up the optical output. Talked to Rich B at Signature Sound about one of those just yesterday... Funny thing... I’ve also been eyeballing the Border Patrol DAC. Steve, thanks for your candor in this thread. If you happen to catch this thread again... You mentioned that the Metrum and Border Patrol DACs "enable the benefits of the SM (Synchro-Mesh)". Can you elaborate on that? Is there something different about Non-Oversampling DACs that make them work better with your Synchro-Mesh unit? Thanks. |