I need your suggestion for a Preamp.

I would like to get a preamp, and I have an opp to get an Ayre K5XE MP, Jeff Rowland Capri or a Mark Levinson 380S.

The power amp is a Levinson 431, driving a pair of B&W Matrix 801 S3. I am using a Levinson 390S CD processor to drive 431, the sound is not too bad, but I need a couple of more inputs as I intend to use a TT and add a blu ray player as well.

The Levinson 380s is much more money, out of the all three.

Looking forward to some experts advises and suggestions/recommendation.

Accuphase C-280. Sounds superb and its built quality is second to none. It will last a century without issues.
The ultimate for you would be a clean used ML326s pre. It far exceeds the 380s.
I've seen a few priced in the 4K range. It's detailed and very musical. The newer 523 won't be found under 8k. Get a ML is obvious to me. Good luck
Hi @audiomaster - disclaimer, I don’t have sufficient experience with enough preamps to make a recommendation, just sharing a bit of my own experience.

My own hunt for a reasonably priced pre (solid state only, thank you very much) led me to a Pass XP10. Pass pres are a bit overlooked, but my colleague Marty DeWulf has been satisfied with the XP10 as his own reference for a number of years. (He has used some of the best tube pres out there too - AR, Audible Illusions, Herron, SAS, Joule Electra, etc.)  For comparison, I have 3 other options: Bryston BP17 Cubed ($4k), Valvet Soulshine (tubed, $8k) and no preamp at all (PS Audio DirectStream volume control). I really like the Pass for how it combines neutrality with tonal purity, dynamic nuance and dimensionality. It is not the most “exciting” piece, so if you are looking to give your system a shot of energy, I would look elsewhere. It really needs to be used balanced, and lacks a dgree of bass power/slam and transient edge, which I think moving to the newer XP12 or higher-end XP22 might give you more of. It definitely has soul though.

Incidentally, the person I bought the XP10 from had used it with amps from Pass, Coda, Levinson and others, and had always found it up to the task. He also compared it to the Levinson 326s, and said it was no contest - the Pass was clearly superior to his ears. It was only because he was able to get a good deal on the $20k Levinson 526 w/DAC that he finally sold the XP10. My gut feeling is you would really need to step up to the higher-end Levinsons to do better than the Pass, as the ones in the XP10’s price range use IC opamps. The 526 is discrete circuitry and a totally different ballgame from the 326s.

PS I really hate to diverge from an OP’s original question, but my .02 - I do agree with other comments that considering other speakers may be a more straightforward path to getting more “soul” from your system. I have heard many B&W speakers over the years, and I like their lowest-end 6 series bookshelves. Most everything else I have found to be sterile - rather bright and forward, too much edge vs. body, not much soundstage depth, and emphasizing macro dynamics over the subtle dynamic flow of a performance. They seem designed for a certain type of sound favored by recording professionals and hi-fi showrooms, as opposed to one tuned for most natural reproduction. If you like a fast, direct sound (I certainly do!), there are some other good options out there these days, e.g. I think Audiovector’s work eclipses anything produced by B&W.
Hi audiomaster,

Shame you feel that way about complimenting SS amps with tube pre-amps. It has not been my experience.

As a matter of fact experience has taught me that LUKASKE is bang on. It is not a habbit of mine to slag other people’s systems, but drawing on experience again, I have heard B&W 801’s with both MAC gear as well as ML and find the speakers over rated, over priced and under performed. Dry and uninvolving.

The Aesthetix Calypso I have no experience with, and although I’ve read good things about Sonic Frontier’s tube based CD player (never heard it), I have listened to Sonic Frontier’s amps .... I wouldn’t them! Gutless.

If you’re rotten with money I would have to agree with Phantom_av, Atma-Sphere MP-3 or MP-1 pre-amps are to kill for .... or at least audition.

That said, with the nature of B&W’s sonics SS maybe the way to go. In that case inorder to saddle slap some extra life into the B&W/ML combo may I suggest Krell’s KRC pre-amp.

Best of luck in you quest,
Not on your list, but the PS Audio BHK preamp is really something special. It's a hybrid with (2) signal tubes in the front end that allows for rolling / customizing the sound to your preference. You can find used for around $3500. Not sure if this fits your budget. This is likely the last preamp I'll ever own.