Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Thank You for posting the CS6 XO pic for Tom's perusal. Hope you are well today and enjoying the music from your CS 2.4 loudspeakers.

Happy Listening!

As always, Thank You for the opinion regarding Tom's query about XO networks.  You guys definitely have your finger(s) on the pulse of this matter.  Happy Listening!
I interpreted "all pass" as any filter that is not causing a rolloff. As I used the term, there are multiple all pass elements in all of Jim's crossovers. They include various shaping and resonant circuits which are directly opposed to specific resonances in drivers such that the circuit cancels the amplitude, phase and transient problems of the driver resonance. It actually fixes the driver misbehavior. The fixed driver is therefore prepped to roll in or out at its prescribed slope - high or low pass filter. 

These shaping circuits always result in better measurements than the uncorrected driver in all domains. The down sides include cost and whatever electronic veil comes with the extra circuitry. A good listener can hear the effects of the components. Thiel's budgets necessitated mid-level components with mid level artifacts, with the exception of coils. We splurged for 4-9s wire in well made coils. Of course there is room for more improvement there. I am now experimenting with 6-9s foil coils, which are glorious at twice the cost or 4-9s and 6+x the cost of normal production 3-9s ETP copper.
Phew! Thanks, Tom.
Curious to read your impressions of ERSE v Jantzen wax foils. Not that I think or feel I’m missing anything.

 It’s above my pay grade to speculate whether you’re onto something regarding the XO design and JA’s subjective opinion, but I am confident higher parts quality will improve transparency for the CS6. It also seems relevant that Tom has told us Jim T’s CS7.3 was likely to include a mechanical XO for the coax unit albeit perhaps for entirely different reasons.