I need your suggestion for a Preamp.

I would like to get a preamp, and I have an opp to get an Ayre K5XE MP, Jeff Rowland Capri or a Mark Levinson 380S.

The power amp is a Levinson 431, driving a pair of B&W Matrix 801 S3. I am using a Levinson 390S CD processor to drive 431, the sound is not too bad, but I need a couple of more inputs as I intend to use a TT and add a blu ray player as well.

The Levinson 380s is much more money, out of the all three.

Looking forward to some experts advises and suggestions/recommendation.

Hi audiomaster,

Shame you feel that way about complimenting SS amps with tube pre-amps. It has not been my experience.

As a matter of fact experience has taught me that LUKASKE is bang on. It is not a habbit of mine to slag other people’s systems, but drawing on experience again, I have heard B&W 801’s with both MAC gear as well as ML and find the speakers over rated, over priced and under performed. Dry and uninvolving.

The Aesthetix Calypso I have no experience with, and although I’ve read good things about Sonic Frontier’s tube based CD player (never heard it), I have listened to Sonic Frontier’s amps .... I wouldn’t them! Gutless.

If you’re rotten with money I would have to agree with Phantom_av, Atma-Sphere MP-3 or MP-1 pre-amps are to kill for .... or at least audition.

That said, with the nature of B&W’s sonics SS maybe the way to go. In that case inorder to saddle slap some extra life into the B&W/ML combo may I suggest Krell’s KRC pre-amp.

Best of luck in you quest,
Not on your list, but the PS Audio BHK preamp is really something special. It's a hybrid with (2) signal tubes in the front end that allows for rolling / customizing the sound to your preference. You can find used for around $3500. Not sure if this fits your budget. This is likely the last preamp I'll ever own.
Hi audiomaster, i have Luxman D-06. Préamp:Audio Note M5, poweramp: GamuT D200. Speakers:Ilumnia Magister.
if you have the Ayre K5 XE MP préamp,let me know.
The best thing is discovering new things that will ultimately make you happy. Whatever it is or becomes. Enjoy your music!

I am very curious if there is a notable auditable difference between PS Audio BHK preamp and its younger brother Stellar Gain CellTM preamp, in particular, with PS Stellar S300 amp? Stellar Gain Cell also is a DAC (an obvious advantage) not sure if BHK has also a DAC.

In general, which pre would  fit better with Stellar S300  (a straightforward selection is Stellar Gain CellTM of course)?

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