Human Loudspeaker Review Thread Was Removed

Hi all. The thread I started about a review for the Human Loudspeaker Model 81 was removed for, according to the email I got, being spam.

I have no Financial stake in Human, and had, as many other purchasers have done here, tried to report on a product based on the ownership experience. I paid for the speakers as would any customer.

The review will go on another forum. The spam accusation is laughable. 

But, it is their site. The mods here can do as they please. 

viridian, there was a time that responding to trolls was fun. That ended somewhere around 2005. Have a nice life. 
Post removed 

Helomech ... that was going to be the gist of the review: are they a great value or a speaker ideal whose time has come and gone? I don't do this for anything other than love of the hobby.
Just a guess that they're a great value based on my experience with the EPI 100s. I recently bought a refurbished pair out of curiosity. They can compete well with many current $1K - $2K/pair standmounts IMO. So if the Humans are even better, they must be a special value at $540/pair.
OP: You posted this “review” in the wrong forum sub-topic. Try reposting in “Member Reviews” instead of “Speakers.”
millercarbon: Aren’t you one of the members who criticizes Geoff and posts links to his website? 

Seems to me you should not complain when you are largely responsible for much of Geoff’s publicity.