Reel to reel

I’m entertaining the idea of purchasing a reel to reel to record my albums on and also use to possibly soften the digital age a bit. Does anyone know where or if NEW blank tapes can be purchased? Are there any thoughts on a resurgence of R2R and if blank media will become more easily accessible?
Inna - Put $200k vinyl set-up against $25k Studer and the vinyl will lose big time, not just lose.

And you can wheel that Studer to any room you like to take on all comers. Try that with the vinyl

Put that $200k vinyl set up, against a $25k vinyl setup.
If the more expensive set up, is not set up as required, and the $25k set up is, the $25k vinyl set up can, and will out perform it. fwiw. Anyone installing uber expensive vinyl gear on a suspended wood floor is just putting up a compromised solution. Large amounts of money will need to be spent on isolation products.
Vinyl is a set up game of resonances and vibrations. The most expensive vinyl gear usually comes with set up guys for a reason.
Such is the nature of the vinyl beast.


Ct0517 to orpheus10
If you are telling us that your tape copies (high level signal) sound better, than the source LP - (low level signal) - LP - in your room/ system; then it simply IMO indicates improvements can be made to your vinyl setup.

orpheus 10
This makes "0" sense; whatever the vinyl, it is reflected on the tape playback; it's not "different".

orpheus 10
Playing back vinyl in your room, involves a different set of parameters, outside of the vinyl signal itself entering your preamp/phonostage which you are outputting to record on tape.
From the limited information you have given us, your situation seems to be one in which your tape setup has received attention, and we have no info on your vinyl setup. You don't show a virtual system; so unless you want to tell us your vinyl gear and setup specifics, for us to get a better picture of your vinyl situation, this conversation is over.

orpheus 10
I will never acquire any other tapes aside from the one's I make; any time tapes are recorded and played back on the same machine, they are perfect.

The machine would have to be calibrated for someone else's tape, and it makes no sense to go through that trouble when I'm in such a narrow range of music.

Not sure what you mean by narrow range. If you mean genre its all out there. 
When you acquire these tapes you have a choice of tape brand, EQ (IEC or NAB), and they come with test tones so you can match peak levels.

This whole vinyl thing is a money making industry BS. All the big ticket tables, arms, cartridges, phono stages etc. All we need is good tape decks and good pre-recorded tapes ...
That’s part of the problem - it’s extremely expensive to manufacture high quality pre-recorded tape, because to do that they have to be duplicated in real-time. It’s simply not a practical medium for commercial music.

What amuses me is that the tape advocates here seem to be content with simply using their decks to dub LPs. If you really want high quality recordings, why not use your deck to make your own, using real musicians? That’s where you’ll find the real magic of tape.
When I was listening to playback of a brand new record, just a few minutes ago, I heard record noise, that constant low level noise during silence ...
Hmmm, sounds like a noisy phono preamp perhaps, or phono setup issues. I wouldn't accept "constant low level noise" from my turntable system.

Last time I checked my bank account did not run to hiring Avenged Sevenfold to perform in my garage unfortunately...…...
Last time I checked my bank account did not run to hiring Avenged Sevenfold to perform in my garage unfortunately ...
Understood, me neither! For that, we have CD, LP, streaming. (In any event you probably wouldn't want to record them in your garage, unless your car space has a lot better acoustics than mine.)

Of course, if Avenged Sevenfold is selling real-time tape dubs of their releases, good for them!