KEF LS50, B&W 805D2, B&W 805S opinions wanted

I have the KEF LS50 on trial. Sounds amazing. Then I listened to the Bowers 805D3. The imaging and sound stage is on another level. I’m running these speakers without a sub. Using Simaudio gear to power the speakers. I can’t afford the D3s, but can afford the 805D2 Diamond or the 805s. Given that I would buy the 805s pre-owned I want to get opinions before purchasing. The more responses the better. Thanks so much!

ps. I listen to all kinds of music, but mostly rock. 
I have the active LS50s in my second system with the TV, and I think they are excellent imagers mid and near field.  Great for rock, but for classical they don't quite have the timbre right, to my ears. Right up the line, the Kefs aren't quite as open as Thiel or Harbeth, which are my primary points of comparison.  
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My opinion only, but where the 705S2 excels is the driver integration, which is the most seamless I've heard from a B&W. The consequence of this is a speaker that conveys dynamic nuance exceptionally well, and is incredibly engaging. More so in fact that the more expensive 3-ways. 

Personally, I would be inclined to buy 705S2's and add quality subs if deeper bass and more SPL is required when funds permit.