Death of Rock 'n' Roll

Rolling Stones tour delayed due to Mick Jagger health condition
David Bowie
George Harrison
and no new ones at all

Rock\n\Roll's dead pretty much, but Jazz's still alive!
There’s whole YouTube channels devoted to nothing but the reactions of people listening to great rock for the first time. The twenty-somethings at work all prefer 70’s rock. The Stones were absolutely great rock back in the day, but have been a nightclub act on life support for several decades already. So don’t conflate the death of rock, which is alive and well, with the health of Mick Jagger, who long ago decided he'd be better off with a retirement annuity than a band.
The Stones were absolutely great rock back in the day, but have been a nightclub act on life support for several decades ...
The Stones can fill entire stadiums in the US, so they're hardly a "nightclub act."
The Stones have done nightclub gigs in the past just for a lark, selling tickets for ten bucks at venues with less than 150 capacity. Seeing the Stones at a place like that is what rock and roll is all about.
Not only that, but Huey Lewis says the heart of rock and roll is still beating.