What in your mind represents real technological advancement.

To be a real advancement the technology must improve the sound quality. Just extending the bass or the high end can't be call an advancement if it doesn't sound better. If the bass goes " lower " but is muddy or the highs go higher but are " bright and forward and irritating " then that does not improve the listening experience. So the question is what improvements make a speaker more enjoyable to listen to. 
the only way to do it is to mount your drivers into a wall and have the rear waves going into an anechoic chamber. That should provide crystal clear sound. Thats the main problem with box loudspeakers theres not enough absorption of rear energy.

Well my wife's meditation room is directly behind my sound room so she might object to those nasty back waves..........the down side...
Lower distortion.

Loudspeakers often distort hundreds if not thousands of times more than the rest of the audio chain put together. 

They can suffer from box distortion and / or breakup distortion. In a perfect world one driver could effortlessly cover the entire 20 Hz - 20 kHz. And the cone/ driver material would be infinitely strong and weigh next to nothing.

We really need another Ed Villchur type breakthrough like the one back in 1954. 


Or failing that, perhaps some form of Digital Signal Processing trickery can help make the sonic illusion feel more real. I can't help but notice that live coverage of a Formula 1 race on television now looks remarkably similar to that of a PlayStation 4 game!

At some point on the road to virtual reality they might even become indistinguishable. 
Getting getting rid of the very deleterious stray laser light that makes CDs sound thin, irritating, congealed, generic, smoothed over, rolled off, synthetic, compressed, zippy, unmusical, boring, digital, bass shy, bloated, two dimensional and like paper mache.