Preamp Advice

Hi all, this is my first post, so here it goes.

I am looking to upgrade my preamp and need some advice. My current setup:
- Rogue 99 Super Magnum Pre
- Parasound A21 Amp
- Tekton Impact floorstanding speakers
- VN TD-160 Super turntable
- Parks Puffin Phono pre, Lounge LCR tube Phono pre
- Schiit Bifrost Uber DAC

While I like the sound of the Rogue, I would like to move up to something more modern. Something less noisy and has a balance and tone controls, a quality DAC is a plus too. I recently have caught on to Tidal, and the Bifrost is a bit underwhelming (compared to the DAC on my Outlaw RR2150 on my second system). I would also like to have balanced outputs as the A21 does sound better utilizing it’s balanced connectors. Budget wise, I would like to stay under 2k. I am not stuck on tubes only, and am open to SS. I have been looking at the Parasound P7 as it checks all the boxes and has bass management (looking at adding subs), I would have enough left over to get a decent DAC. I’ve also checked out the PS Audio Stellar Gain Cell DAC/Pre, and the Mytek Brooklyn DAC+. 

Any suggestions are appreciated.
OP: I see you want balance and tone controls. Why tone controls? Less noisy—have you checked the tubes of the Rogue? The review of the piece said it was quiet. 

I have not heard of the preamp that checks all of your boxes. Seems like you want group validation to dump the Rogue to get the Parasound item.
OP: I see you want balance and tone controls. Why tone controls? Less noisy—have you checked the tubes of the Rogue?

I have not heard of the preamp that checks all of your boxes. Seems like you want group validation to dump the Rogue to get the Parasound item.
I have allergy issues where one of my ears is partly plugged throughout the year. While it’s not horrible, being able to slightly adjust the balance from a remote or front panel would be nice and would make a difference. I can do it on the A21 but it’s not fun reaching behind the amp to make adjustments occasionally. I do like having tone controls and making small adjustments depending on the source, I know its blasphemy on here but I don’t really care. Getting the Parks Puffin recently really opened my eyes to this.

I have tried tube rolling the Rogue, and the noise is still constant. I don’t want spend $300 in shipping and bench time for them to tell me nothing is wrong.

Well, the next owner of the Rogue will want it addressed. PS Audio does offer a trade-in program. Good luck with that. 
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