Identify a Resistor in an Audio Research PH3

In just acquired an Audio research PH3

It came with two nice looking Vishay load resistors - But I can't identify them.

They say 


that's all. I can find a stat sheet on VTA55 - but the B9T15 isn't enough for my magic decoder ring..any ideas?

OK, thanks folks - I guess I will need to take them out and measure. can't figure out why the markings would be so incomplete!
OK, I have found the missing markings - it had almost completely rubbed off 2k0000 .5% so it looks like they are 2k ohm resistors, which is pretty weird as the manual calls for resistors that are under 10ohm? I have a hana sl and am shooting for 600-800 
As I said in a prior post, shoot an email or call to ARC Customer Support and see what they say.