Im looking for an expert review of my system nameTom and been working on my 2 channel system for the past 30 years or so..always looking for improvement. sounds terrific now but l want some analysis and criticism. is as follows :
Infinity Kappa 9 speakers,first gen.
McIntosh Mc1.25kw mono blocks 
McIntosh C52 pre amp
McIntosh MCD 600 cd player
Richard Gray 1200S pair
Bluesound vault  cd ripper hard drive 
Samsung 18.5 tablet touch screen 
Monster cable MK2 bi wire cables
Custom silver inter connects balanced
Is there another speaker out there that will blow these Kappas out of the water in my price range?
In afraid to replace them and make a huge mistake. ...they really sing....l use the system ever day its sounds amazing. ....l think my listing room could use improvement at this point not my equipment. ....anyone have any ideas?

+1 for millercarbon ...

You're happy with the system and enjoy what it's doing. It's fulfilling your musical needs and tastes. It's time for you to start delving into the world of tweaks. There are plenty of threads here on A'gon that will guide you in that regard. Just explore and ask questions ... and above all, have fun.


Thanks, Frank. I think its safe to say that everyone who has gotten serious about trying tweaks eventually realizes its not only the most cost-effective thing you can do but can actually take you to realms beyond the reach of mere component upgrades.

I just added speaker kits and wide angles to my existing complement of HFT and ECT and the palpable presence is scintillating. 

But if that all seems expensive vinny maybe start with something easy like giving everything a good dose of anti-static spray?
Sell it all, buy some single driver high efficiency speakers, get some OEM tinned copper speaker cables (connected as bare wire) and a well reviewed tube amp/preamp combo or integrated. Even digital will sound better, and analog will provide bliss... Then spend the rest on a record collection! I've spent decades looking in order to come to these conclusions.Peace
Im sorry I'm a hardware freak....l enjoy industrial design. ....l like big amps ,big speakers. ....l like huge dynamic transients. ..big listening rooms....l also like analog sound. .(not really ) me high end audio is a whole experience between the room ....the equipment. .the sound.....the furnishings. .....everything must put a smile on my face in order to have the effect....right down to the lighting. .....
Then don't bother with HFT, etc. Tiny little dots, whattre those? Instead maybe great big tube traps, sculpted to look like Roman columns, with maybe a life-size David on each side holding a shield, only the shield is a cleverly disguised acoustic panel. 

Then for the amp you get one of these You never heard dynamics and slam until you put your amp on a solid foundation of a big ol slab of granite.

Then to complete the look you get some trick ceiling coving, only what's trick about it is you put Owens Corning 54 acoustic panel behind so its another acoustic treatment, and some intricate plaster cornice panels, which look purely decorative but in reality are diffusers.  Bada bing, bada boom, you got a killer room!