Gemme Audio Tanto Owners - User Manual?

I was lucky enough to find and buy a used pair of Gemme Audio Tanto v1s but unfortunately they did not come with a manual.  The company is no longer in business and the designer (Robert Gaboury), who was incredibly kind and supportive, told me that he no longer has any manuals.

So I am writing to see if anyone in the Audiogon community may have a Tanto user manual and would be willing to provide a copy.  I would be glad to reimburse for any expenses, etc.

Thanks in advance!

@trelja ,

Thank you so much for the kind and informative response! Very interesting hearing your experiences with JP and Robert Gaboury. My email exchange with Mr. Gaboury showed him to be generous with his time and supportive of my interest in the speakers even though I had bought them used and the company had long since disbanded. I appreciated that.

I hear you about your impressions of the Tantos.  I'll need to spend time treating my room before I can begin to make any real conclusions regarding their low end. They seem to have a powerful impact around 40hz and do go low even in my smallish room so there seems to be some potential. And I do like their overall sound quite a bit.

If you have a chance, I am curious as to what speakers you can “live” with? I am sure they would be quite good.

Thanks again.

Also....I did finally hear from JP – unfortunately he does not have any manuals for the Tantos and no info on where I may get a copy. So I’ll keep open the hunt.

Hi All.  I'm just writing to update this thread and thank david_ten who recently shot me a soft copy of the user guide for the Tanto v2.  I haven’t had much time yet to go through the manual, but it is more than a few pages and will be great as a reference.  I truly appreciate David contacting me and taking the time to organize and send the guide my way.  THANK YOU, David!!!