Funny but we have had the same result when we insert a version of our cables into a video feed chain.
And this could well be related to the significant increase in bandwidth that our cables or a doubled or paralleled wire assembly bring to the table ( relative to cables using bog standard solid wire and/or standard assemblies ).
And this could well be related to the significant increase in bandwidth that our cables or a doubled or paralleled wire assembly bring to the table ( relative to cables using bog standard solid wire and/or standard assemblies ).
Visual resolution in video systems is defined as the smallest detail that can be seen. This detail is related directly to the bandwidth of the signal: The more bandwidth in the signal, the more potential visual resolution. The converse is also true: The more the signal is band-limited, the less detail information will be visible. This article addresses this relationship and provides a straightforward way to determine the bandwidth required to achieve the desired visual resolution.